Saturday, June 20, 2009


Finally exams are over...
Actually it wasnt such a big deal when i had my exams jus dat everyone stress so felt stress also haha...
Now I need to make a huge decision dat may affect me in many ways...
Actually i kinda make my choice.
But i need to make sure my plan works...
If not i chamz also... aiksss

Anyways after exams i spent time wif my Baybee...
So happy...
Then on the same nite went clubbing wif her and her classmatess...
And guess wad...
Her First time @@

Its holiday time and omg its so bloody boring...
Everyday jus goes by and nothing is being accomplish...
I need something to do...
Wana go zoo @@ haha
Haven been to any zoo in like bloody ages oredi...

This pic was taken during the class gathering of my polar bear ^^ again i had nothing better to do jus now so i hands itchy go edit the pic... This is also the first time she ever went clubbing aikssss...

My fish ><

Educational talk time....

Years bfore... many ppl treat tattoo as something which is associated wif gangsters.. Sadly... Then how about those hu likes art? They hav to be left in the same catergory just cox they like art? for me well i think drawings are nice... Having a tattoo is seriously jus an art to be admired.. Those who has tattoo should not be wrongly judged by anyone especially parents ^^ Anyways *hint hint* dun judge a book by it's cover if u see the person has a tattoo hehe

My Polar Bear and me

I think after she see this she will chop me into pieces.... But.... Then again.... She loves me to much so she will love me even more when she see this... hahaha ngiak ngiak.... I really had nothing to do so i went to edit some pics of ours hehe... And good work shud not be left unknown... veri wasted....


This pic on the other hand.... hmmmm was drawn during the study break like a week ago... And its not by me... By sumone... Ask her study... she draw draw draw...


Anonymous said...

Finally she de update hor? Nice pics and damn u, I didn't know u had a tattoo! *shock*

Bibi's drawing so cute and MEANINGFUL. Please obey the bottom right one.

JoN tInG said...

hahahahah tot u knew... yea yea finally update... meaningful.... i like the top left one better hehe

Anonymous said...

haha~ agree! Obey the bottom right pic, mr.jonathan ting fat hao~ he fat hao so got tattoo lo~ tsk tsk tsk :P

JoN tInG said...

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lolzzzzzzzzzzzz

Anonymous said...

Of course u like the top left one best lo. Bibi sleep also have nightmare of u leh. *kidding* U should b gan dong. XD