Thursday, June 4, 2009


This is my 2nd time using the prog to edit pic so i think ok la for a noob... ^^ can giv abit credit hehe




Time to update my blog... goin to berkarat soon oredi...

My presentations are finally over and im left wif my exams.....

Hopefully exams not as hard... i wana pass T.T

* * *

I need a new phone badly... but the phone i wan is not in the market yet...

The screen itself is 2.6"
Model is W995 and it has 8.1 mega pixels, its a walkman phone(obvious), wifi function and 8 gb memory... shit i wan it!!!!!

* * *

Anyways i wanted to post fotos that i took recently but i got no cable n my polar bear sent me the ones she took instead so o well i'll jus hav to make do wif wad i hav ^^

Veri sneaky i didnt even know this was taken at the time =.=
This also hmmmm
This is the ben dan sneaky polar bear hu took the pics ><>




Pass few days has been quite stressful and fun and annoying all that the same time... Decisions has been made, got sick and the weather is not right at all.. Hopefully i can cut down on smoking even more for the next few days...

My bear bear chasing me to slow down oredi @@

Waking up wif a sore throat really sux big time.... but then again i deserve it i guess... keep eating fried stuffs and still smoke... adui... chamzzz

Canot canot... promise bear bear no more fried stuffs... if not she'lll kill me....

Anyways im freshed out of ideas so i think i'll stop here for now... will update tonite again or if i got more things to share soon ^^ sharing is caring....


Anonymous said...

IHTM4's slogan, sharing is caring. hehe