Friday, January 9, 2009

More pics that i took when i was still in kch

This is my beloved little cousin Jia Jia... she's onli 1 years old and she's growing really fast.. she stays wif us coz her parents are bz at my grndma's restaurant... and she's soooooo cute....

This was taken at Chilax.. I nearly had a heart attack because of playing this game... So damn funny... Jus keep eatin and eatin otherss ofcourse me n Bai the unstopable tag team wins

Deng deng... during this stage it was nearly imposible to pull any pieces out lolz....

Hmmmm.... the pieces taken out are by pros ^^

My las few days i kch i gues was quite fun... dispite the fact that i had to clean the house most the time.... Me and some of my frens did have some wild times ^^