Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy bthday Kwah Wennee

Today or shud i say yesterday? o well 8th January is this gold fish de bthday.... I took this pic in college today... Too much ah this girlll still wear heineken shirt sumore lolzzzz... At least it looks gud on her.. ^^ HAPPY BTHDAY KWAH JING YU hehe

Wah luckily i dont hav to retake my bullshit german subject... onli resit for it... today damn boring.... went to sch so early dunno do wad thr... then later on go home n glue myself to the pc till nite.... so bloody bored... wait for "ppl" to online the wholeeeeee day sumore ... haizzz... oyea i still become santa claus in pet society again then sumore bid for itemss.... so many new items lo hehe... hmmmmm

Lets hope that tomorow will b more interesting than today was... Until then... chaozzzz