Monday, April 27, 2009

Whats happening????

Was bored in college so took this ^^

Finally got my internet back again... SWT this man... damn annoying... anyways... It was my housemate's bthday few days ago and we celebrated at a Korean BBQ buffet in One Utama... damn regret no eat alot... so nice... miss the peach drink thr... free refill.... damn... We even made our own secret recipe soup... Kimchii coke soup. dun ask me how it tasted like coz i not sohai enough to try hahaha... well we had a sohai hu actually tried it... enjoy the pics ba...

This is how our kimchii coke looked like... eww But this James eventually joined the experimentLove this environment so much... taken at One World... Got live band alsoGot bar at the side sumore... shyiok... relaxing