Monday, April 27, 2009

Whats happening????

Was bored in college so took this ^^

Finally got my internet back again... SWT this man... damn annoying... anyways... It was my housemate's bthday few days ago and we celebrated at a Korean BBQ buffet in One Utama... damn regret no eat alot... so nice... miss the peach drink thr... free refill.... damn... We even made our own secret recipe soup... Kimchii coke soup. dun ask me how it tasted like coz i not sohai enough to try hahaha... well we had a sohai hu actually tried it... enjoy the pics ba...

This is how our kimchii coke looked like... eww But this James eventually joined the experimentLove this environment so much... taken at One World... Got live band alsoGot bar at the side sumore... shyiok... relaxing

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Emo Strikes Back!!!!!

Today.... so blooddy hot... hot till mother canot recognise... sigh.... Sumore my ulcer is killing me.....
Some how no matter how much i drink this few days, i feel dehydrated after few seconds... I think sumthing wrong wif me again...

Then hor... aijor.... weather so hot... Not feeling right.... still nid emo stuffs... chamzzzz

Hungry..... !!!!!!! wan EAT!!!

How i wish now i can upload my pics... bought my new puzzle oredi.... Damn today is jus simply sad.... sad till adui... dunno how to describe.....

DOTA also no mood play... sigh.... goin crazy....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Quack quack!

Hello everyone!
Donald Duck is here to say HI to everyone!!

guessing time!

answer : the liltle redtomato from next door! =D

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Yesterday i went to the pet store to look around and goshhh... the dogs thr are so damn adorable....

Great NEWS............

YEss i found my puzzle piece.... now my puzzle is fully complete... onli thing left is the frame.... Gud thing i didnt get pissed till i throw the whole thing away... aiksss


Monday, April 6, 2009


Guys help me out here.... These are my two choices of puzzle that i wana buy... Both are nice but i dunno which one i shud buy... the Mickey all star is a puzzle that just came out but not in stores yet... and the Minnie and Mickey one just came out like last week? and its a new type of glow in the dark... Both are 1000 pieces... Or shud i jus get both? if so which should i buy first?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hollow Ichigo.... Bankai form!!!!!!!

When it was still in the shop. Took this becoz i wanted to leave the place n think whether o not i shud get it... until the guy told me its rare and even if i wana order also not easy get.. plus onli one there... Think think abit... i knoe ive never seen this anywhere else... all also wifout the mask... then straight buy.. aiksss...
But.... Bring home oredi feel happy... Wait till i collect more then i sure buy one self put all inside for show show hehe

WooooTTT!!! Check it out... i jus bought this and its quite rare to get this version of ichigo^^ Can say trying to show show abit to bleach fans ^^ But... bad news is... now i will get the craving to collect the other characters..... And this isnt a gud sign @@

re-living a dream

I used to have a dream...

To be a professional snooker player and join competitions...

Why I never made it?

Lack of kaki to play wif me... =( After las nite... I think i can re-live my dream again... Found a new kaki to play snooker wif me... My cousin's bf... He says we can train together and hu knoes we may join competitions in future ... YIPEE...

Taken at a place sumwhr in Kota DamansaraThats kenny aiming ^^Another pic... And glad to knoe i still hav my touch after a few rounds

Ques is... Will i make it?

We'll see in the near future if i find a way to constantly play ^^

Whats Happening....

Ok... so i knoe ive been veri away lately... been trying to find a chance to update my blog but the rain jus doesnt wan me to go online.... now im having my holidays so gues i hav all the time in the world to update ^^ Im glad exams are over... can relax now... But it wun b for long... soon need to worry about ASSIGNMENTS!!! I guess i'll get to the point of wads goin on wif me recently... enjoy the pics... =) Thre's gona be more coming in my next post..

This is a puzzle that i jus finished making... its glow in the dark... UNFORTUNATELY one fucking piece is missing... Dunno which asshole took away one piece... costed me man... sigh... Cnt wait to buy a new puzzle.. hopefully i can get it soon and finish making it b4 anyone sabotage it....
Aint my key chain cute?.... No choice... nid huge key chains coz i onli hav one key and i tend to lose things which are small if i hav to bring it around everyday... But when i dun hav a bag wif me i wud take away the bigger one... paiseh later ppl think i crazy...
This watch i jus bought... nice??? plz comment peeps... coz this thing nearly made me eat grass this whole month... luckily luck's on my side financially recently... if not... fuiyoh...
The brand's POLICE.... @@ a bit unfamous for watches i knoe... coz its supose to be a sunglasses brand... well it costed more than the casio and seiko that i saw plus it suits me so i got it... RM400 man...
Deng deng my new pillow case.... my bedsheet's also been changed... luv that rhino...