Tuesday, December 2, 2008

mahjong mahjong....

Ahhhh the craving for mahjong is back... pass few days ive been playing mahjong wif my bros frens n i realise how much i miss the game... But my bro's frens all blur blur de.. especially the girl mei wen.. chamzzz if she play like dat wif money sure lose alot lolzzzz... Feel like buying one set n bring back to kl... Dats if my frens wana play... hmmmm no kaki's man....

Is it jus me or is it jus too bored in kuching... omg today i saw hui sen n damnnnnn he looks like tarzan now... chamzzz dunno wads he thinking... i feel like lately ive been smoking alot.. like everyone know's smoking is bad but... wad to do... smoking realy lets me stop tinking about the stress that i hav... im jus waiting for the right person to stop me from smoking i guess... if that person even enters my life...

my long lost best fren called me las nite... asked me to venture wif him in sum business.. hopefully i can meet him as soon as possible then hang out n start earning money n hopefully the business is good money and hope that the business will run... ahhh he better find me soon or i'll kill him 3 years didnt see him really chamzz..

i think i really need to get a cable as soon as possible otherwise my blog will continue being this plain for a long time.. i see like dis also sien..

anyways...... im stopping here for now... and its bloody raining again... sigh...