Saturday, December 27, 2008


During Christmas eve n around this period of time quite a few things happened... This year's Christmas didnt really feel like a real Christmas though... like so dead... everything is so quiet... But then again i did have a great dinner that nite... Damn nice food ordered by my grandpa and inclusive of exquisite wine ^^ After dinner i went to my fren's house to drink wif them coz i felt bad for not finding him and the others when im back in kch... i didnt stay long coz i promised another fren that i wud attend his partyy.. It was really a rush hour for me then... Well ended up at happy valley in the end to continue drinking and counted down thr... In a way I think it was a gud thing The Core had sapu dat nite... if not i hav to rush there again b4 the count down @@... Deng deng the celebration was over sooner or later... I went home ofcourse... be a gud boy... Butttt..... It was jus for about half an hour... tsk tsk... Went to the cyber wif a few of my frens and played till morning... ^^ I guess this has been my routine lately... My time is like so upside down now...

After cyber, it was already 8 in the morning... (no time to sleep chamzzz) went home ask my bros get ready then i asked him to drive coz we had to have christmas lunch wif my grandpa , grandmaand dad and cousins n uncle... There were turkey.... ham... (yum yum) and ofcourse wine again...i drank like nearly one whole bottle coz no one finished the 2nd botle... hehe...

Below are some fotos taken during this period of time ^^
This foto was taken in Xiao Bai's house... damn i love the black n gold mix carp... so damn nice... summore its huge n imported...

Damn nice rite???

Ahhhh so cute... i named him xiao bai... n ive been told that he's been this size for a few months d... like a midget lolz...

Crab meat wif cheese... yum yum.... great food...

Roast pig the best of all .... it was so delicious....

Sigh..... he thinks that he's "pretty". Shud we call him a she from now on?

This one ah... should i dare to admit that he's my uncle? sumore 1 year younger than me... lolz... wad an example to be shown to his 1 year elder nephew....

This is me and Xiao Bai.... Been turning my time upside down wif him...

My dad also has the same interest as me raring fishes... they're jus so nice

Wah i tell u this 2 siblings veri obedient when they are infront of my dad... this house of theirs we made specially for these two.. not to mention its a 2 storey shelter, wif stairs... @@

This is the dad of those two siblings. His name is hero... Guess wad he's a half husky mix wif dunno wad lolz... although he dont really look like a husky, he's huge and strong...

Lookey.... so many of them guinea pigs... My dad started raring onli about 6 or 8 of them and it multiplied into these..... This pic doesn't show all that was there @@

WAhh so nice... still got small house for them....

This is me after a hair cut... ^^


Anonymous said...

Oh my... U can start selling guinea pigs to earn a living for some time! D8