Sunday, November 30, 2008

im backkkkk

Back in hometown.... but sumhow i feel like its worst than kl... damn sien....
Practically nothing to bloody do at all.
sumbody help!!!!! ahhhhhhh....

eiii i am quite sure i can change font side color and many other stuffs to deco my blog but cibai i cant seem to find any of the tools in the whole bloody page... sad la... writing blog on a saturday nite... but oh well its 4 am in the morning there's nothing to do also... Jing yu if u read my blog paiseh la i hav get my card reader yet cnt put pics plus the stupid blog dun let me decor the post nice nice...

anything interesting happen today? AHHHH spend Rm60 on my hair today... dunno nice o not.. this jing yu say ok onli... aijor break my heart ah jing yu.... yea i saw my ah ma today.. so long no see her d... hmmm went to the spring wif ah moi... chamz ah him reformat com twice in 3 days hahaha.. saw my ex.. omg scary shit... lucky she didnt see otherwise she'll be bugging me again... ahhh yesss i also went around begging my selfish frens to giv me items n money in pet society... T.T my pet so kolien... poor vivi... went to bbq at truman's house n sadly come back home after doin a few stuffs. dun c the mood in following them clubbing... few diff group of frens out tonite clubbing but i feel damn lazy dunno y...

Damn... is everyday gona be like this? ahh forget it im gona find sumthing interesting to do and forget about all this negative nonsense.... plz ah anyone got any ideas of thrilling and exciting things to do let me knoe.. never do also will try... despo man.... feel like goin for a drive now see hu i can wake at this time and accompany me being sien... need a bath first so i'll stop here for now ^^

Saturday, November 22, 2008


aikss nearly forget i have a blog... still not use to it...
Examsss around the corner mann... feels like normal also...
damnn.. how come blog cnt put colors d? swt... plain la .... adui ppl complaining my blog like boring like no life... o well they will jus hav to make do of wads available...

hmmm wad happen today hor... let me see... at the moment im teaching a sohai fren about dream dictionary... its actually quite true... try it to beliv it...
damn... im fresh out of ideas d... hopefully this time i go back to my hometown i wun hav to face my memories in my past like b4... its damn anoying n painfull

my next post i will put pics la... if there are any one reading my blog well now my card reader cacat cnt put pic in my com so paiseh... until then... toodles