Wednesday, August 13, 2008


What does it take to find pure happiness? I think that its veri close to being sumthing difficult to find... I dun think i can recall a week ive spent this year which is filled wif happiness wifout any obstacles obstructing in between that week.. As we all knoe, happiness comes from sumthing making us happy or sumone hu makes us happy. There are a few things in our everyday lives which has effect on our happiness. Commonly those of which are frens, family, money, BFs & GFs, and for ppl working thier career mayb. Although these things are the key to happiness in our everyday lives, these things can also be a worst nightmare at times...
Yes.. frens are no doubt always there for us... But can they help u in problems if its sumthing they dont knoe how to handle or sumthing they hav never encountered b4? or can they be there for u all the time you when nid them?.... Obviously frens will definitely try their best to help in wadever way they can but sometimes (no offence to frens concerned) its jus no use.
Family on the other hand can bring us happiness as well. Take me for example.. i love my family veri much.. Eventhough i hav a father who is divorced wif my mum due to his mistakes i still love him veri much.. My mum love kids loveessss kidsss jus as much as i do, my dad, sporting and loves fish as much as i do, lastly my bross well they get along well wif me and we do hav stuffs to tok about every once awhile... this does make me happy when tokin to my family.... but at the same time, there is also the part where family brings us burden.. Due to the divorce and the dumbass economy nowadays, mum's working damn hard to earn a living for us.. me not being in my hometown makes it hard for mum to do everything on her own and at the same time spend time wif my bros... dad's business is also not goin veri well nowadays and its really pulls away all the happiness that are available for me.. I think some ppl out thr may experience the same senario as me or sumthing similar so i think u get wad im trying to say..
MONEYYYY... sad to say, it really does revolves around everyone and everything... Like they say, "no money, no talk". Money is something that we touch daily... When spoken about money, it seems so simple but when it comes to reality, money is hard to come by... When we hav money we are hapy and tend to spend on thing we like or like doin. Then eventually there would be a time we end up over spending and end up broke.. This is when we tend to feel bored all the time as we do not hav a choice but to stay at home n be a gud boy or girl... So is money realy a factor of happiness? or is it a factor of bringing a person nothing but stress?
Hmmmm las but not least, relationshipsss... this is whr most our happiness comes from i guess... BFs or GFs normally gives us happiness as we are being loved by the person though gud and bad times.. they are the ones that will support us no matter wad happens.. no doubt that realationships gives us happiness like no other... but... there are always times whr disagreements comes along to turn things around.. Simple disagreements can always lead to anger n sadness.. This is normally caused by jlousy and trust. Y is it so hard to stay loyal to one another n giv in to each other? It wun kill you to listen to wad a person u love wans rite? this is wad one party always feels... for example SMOKING... a veri common disagreement among coupless... one may think and tell the smoking partner "if u love me u will stop smoking" yes... smoking is bad for health and it may also shows that the person cares... but one also has to knoe that smoking is not easy to stop when everyone in ur surrounding smokes as well. ppl say it jus takes will power but then again it really is hard for a smoker to stop when stress is nearby.. So how to we turn relationships into pure happiness wifout disagreements?
To conclude I wud like to say that happiness is no doubt sumthing that allows us in a way to continue wif our lives or to strive for the things we want to achieve. But the questions always ends up as how much happiness do we hav over sadness and anger? Is happiness really sumthing gud or jus a step which leads to sadness? many ppl will hav different point of view. some may think optimistically and some may think pessimistically. Its a matter of how u handle the situation to maintain the happiness instead of letting the situation evolve into anger or sadness or even stress.