Saturday, August 16, 2008

FrieNdS vs BF & GF

Which is more important?... Some ppl may think friends are more important. Others think otherwise... For me i think these two should not be put on the same page as both are equally important. How can 2 totally diff things be compared wif each other? yes your frens may think that u hang out too much wif your BF or GF instead of wif your own frens, n your GF or BF may think you hang out too much wif your frens instead of spending time wif them but both parties i should say are being too judgemental at times..
Its onli natural that sometimes we may get over board and tend to neglect the ppl around us. But This doesnt mean that we forget frens or the one we love. Frens should understand that it is not wrong to spend time wif the one we love... If we do not care, then BFs n GFs around would not be complaining about not spending enough time wif them... On the other hand, to BFs n GFs out thr, if u think your mate do not spend enough time wif you, their frens wud not complain as well about not spending enough time wif them. Thr is onli so much u can do in 24 hours so dun expect so much to hapen...
Does it matter if you put frens as your priority or your mate as a priority? yes it matters... as usual and its onli natural that this wun take so much effect on frens as they may understand if u put your mate as a priority. But putting frens as priority can sometimes be a big issue for some BFs n GFs. As a matter of fact these two parties should not be ranked at all. They are your love ones and the amount of care that u giv should be understandable by each parties. But still ppl think its bullshit to put frens first or the other way around. Is it becoz of pass experience? Probably.
The question is.... shud this be a big issue among couples or frens? through experience many has made this an issue and i think ppl shud giv each other space and try to understand each other ^^


Anonymous said...

In my opinion, both are equally important and shouldn't be compared. Memang hard to compare lor. @_@
Both sides should tolerate then ma everyone happy lor. hahaha (ignore me)

JoN tInG said...

hahaha thats wad im saying lo... but some ppl are jus too ignorant when they started thinking about themselves