Saturday, October 18, 2008

happy 21st? or jus like any other year?

Deng Deng....

Dunno how long never touch my blog d haha... many things happened lately... My com was sick n so was I guess.... Damn sien la.... Haven eaten my breasfast yet n its like nearly midnight d... Something bothers me these few days.... jus cant seem to figure out wads missing in my life.... Like not enuf thrills


Do you get the feeling like ur past memories are haunting u at times even when u got over it? ive been getting that every now and then recently and it annoying even when i try to ignore it... I think im goin crazy.....

Not being able to get wad i wan is really anoying...SOMEONE PLZ GIV ME WAD I WAN!!!... aiksss... i feel so demanding... BUT... then again...wad do i wan? onli some ppl knoe wad i want though.... he or she know's that i can probably never hav it as it can b considered as jus a dream dat will never come true.....

My birthday wish list
1. to find real happiness
2. send my car over to KL
3. extra cash to spend
4. a love that goes both ways...
5. a miracle to happen
6. new clothes
7. new bag. the one i like is so ex @@

8. a new room decorated to my likings (getting sick of my room)

9. to meet sumone hu can giv me advise better than the ones i giv to others.

10. hmm... a nice n romantic candlelight dinner followed by a romantic nite...

the onli pic i hav so far of my car.. taken by my bro.. i miss my car T.T

Anyone out thr worthy enuf to fulfill this list? hope so lo.. hmm... im not exactly a materialistic person and i dun really knoe wad i wan.. it jus comes spontaneously and im a person hu prefers to feel.... most scorpios are like that i think.. its said that scorpios has the most emotional characteristic compared to other signs of the horoscope. n i luv being a scorpio.. its the most unique sign...

damn miss this car too. sad my mum hated it n sold it off.. its gone through wonders wif me b4 even impossibles @@ its been so much fun havin a manual car...