Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A little about MUaHH

First Of all i would like to say that im not exactly good at all this but well im learning... Im a 20+ year old male from Sarawak, Kuching and station at KL at the moment. I like helping others when they hav probs, even if its love probs. Normally my advise always works sumhow ^^ potential advisor i guess.. hahaks..
Erm at the moment im studying hotel management in KDU college, 2nd sem. I kinda find KL more n more boring after staying here for quite some time... lolzzz... Life nids to be more thrilling. I like playing games and driving fast but unfortunately i dun hav a car here. i think i am a person hu dont really knoe how to reject ppl especially frens n also a person hu doesnt take rejections well...
Among one of my frens, jus one particular person among my frens thinks im a potential chef as probably she has special visions i assume hahaha. I like ppl hu r fun n or funny and those hu r not veri quiet. At least these ppl are those who will keep me bz when im really bored...
When im bored, and im around frens, i tend to hav this habit of disturbing them.. haha. I dunno wad else there is to knoe about me but u'll find out more if u tok to me.. i think thats easier..


Anonymous said...

Not only me. The other Group D members agreed. :P

JoN tInG said...

lolzzzzzzzz... oh well....